Spec Sheets & Document Downloads

Architect Resources

Access all the resources you need to integrate DoorWall products into your projects—downloadable materials, PDFs, and CAD drawings are available to streamline your design process. Explore the tools and details that make specifying DoorWall products easy and efficient.

Arc3D Solo™, Arc3D Duo™, & DWS QUAD InfoSheets

These infosheets will provide you with all the necessary information you need to get started with DoorWall Systems. If you need additional information, reach out to one of our agents and we’ll supply any info we can.

Product Model
Product Infosheets
Arc3D Solo™
Arc3D Duo™
DoorWall Quad

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Data Sheets Coming Soon

DoorWall data sheets will be available soon, if you are looking for specific data please contact one of our dedicated support agents.

Representative shop drawings

These shop drawings will give you an in depth understanding of our teams assets & strategic planning for specific projects.  If you need additional information, reach out to one of our agents and we’ll supply any info we can.

Product Model
Shop Drawings
Arc3D Solo™
Arc3D Duo™
4 Section Quad
6 Section Quad

On smaller screens, scroll left and right to view the table

Specification Documents

Product Models
Specs Document
Arc3D™ Solo/Duo
DWS Quad

On smaller screens, scroll left and right to view the table

BIM Objects

DoorWall BIM Objects will be available soon, if you are looking for BIM Object Data please contact one of our dedicated support agents.

CAD Files

DoorWall CAD Files will be available soon, if you are looking for CAD Files please contact one of our dedicated support agents.

Our Performance Metrics

Doorwall Options

A Doorwall system is one of our upward acting folding, or sliding  doors that are installed with the purpose of maximizing space, and adding value to the room. Our Doorwalls come in a variety of fittings and finishes that are custom developed to match your exact use case, and come with expert guidance and maintenance plans to make sure your Doorwall continues to be the highest quality spacial optimizer in your development/


Doorwall Performance Options

0 +

Glass & Glazing Options


Fulltime Installation experts

0 +

Custom Doorwalls Installed

0 +

Authorized Distributors

0 +

Architects Provided CE

Providing Architectural Training Classes

AIA Continuing Education

Our team of experts is ready to deliver a variety of engaging, AIA-accredited presentations tailored to your needs. We offer 1-hour sessions that can be conducted either in-person during lunch & learns or through remote webinars.

We believe in the power of direct interaction, so we prefer to present on-site at your firm, fostering meaningful dialogue that enriches the learning experience. Whether you choose an in-person or virtual format, our goal remains the same: to provide relevant, impactful information that supports and advances the design community.

Sign Up For An AIA Course

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Current AIA Course Being Taught

Building & occupant use trends powered by architectural direct drive door systems VS traditional commodity doors - 1 Hour Course

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